Vic Ramos ‘91: “My best friends in life are those I’ve met through AXP.”

Every international president of a fraternity started out as a rushee visiting chapters. For Phi Lambda’s own Vic Ramos ‘91, he took his own time before making the decision to explore fraternities at Penn State. “I grew up in Queens, New York, and I had no clue about fraternities and the loyalty of the PSU […]

Chris Newell: “This fraternity shaped me into the man I am today.”

Chris Newell had a unique reason for joining our fraternity:  “I chose to pledge Alpha Chi Rho because I wanted to change the stigmatism around fraternities.” “Alpha Chi Rho impacted my life by cultivating my leadership skills and it prepared me for life by teaching me not to just look at the surface level for […]

Bruce Helms ‘74: “I want to see AXP succeed indefinitely.”

“Gee, that was over 50 years ago,” Bruce exclaimed. “AXP was probably the lowest cost of the houses I rushed but it was much more about the process and the Brothers who welcomed me during rush, most notably Brian Nealy ‘74 who picked me up at my dorm and took me back several times. “I […]