Bryan Gardiner ‘12: “I love Alpha Chi Rho. It has made a crucial impact on my life, and I have built so many strong relationships from being a part of this fraternity.”

It was an easy decision for Bryan Gardiner ‘12 when it came time to volunteer with Alpha Chi Rho. “It’s very simple for me,” he said. “I am more than happy to give back my time to an organization that has given me so much.

“Giving back to Alpha Chi Rho is so crucial because you are helping guide the undergraduates and setting up the chapter to be better than when you were an undergraduate,” Bryan continued. “This is key to Alpha Chi Rho’s long-term success at Penn State.”

For Bryan, that means continuing his service to the Phi Lambda Graduate Chapter. “Having served as Vice President of the Phi Lambda Graduate Chapter since 2013, I am extremely humbled to now take on the role as President,” he said.

“I look forward to connecting with graduates young and old and connecting us all through graduate events throughout the year,” Bryan continued. “Long-term, we will continue to build a graduate chapter that can advise the undergraduates while providing an unique experience for graduates to reconnect with each other.”

Supporting the undergraduate brothers is a passion for Bryan, which is why he supports the upcoming capital campaign, saying “It means a great deal to me because we have not undertaken this type of campaign since I have been a part of Alpha Chi Rho. This campaign is crucial to the long-term health of the chapter house and the Phi Lambda chapter.

“By giving back, alumni will be able to help our chapter house continue to modernize and keep up with the ultra-competitive off-campus housing options at Penn State. At the same time, your contributions will help make the chapter house an even better place to house the Phi Lambda chapter than it was while you were an undergrad, and as a graduate you will have a house you are very proud to come back to and enjoy.”

Bryan fondly recalled his introduction to the chapter. “I really felt welcomed by all the brothers I met during the rush experience,” he said, “and I could tell that the brothers were tight-knit and really focused on quality over quantity when it came to recruiting new members.”

He also lauded the men who made up the chapter, saying “in terms of the brothers we had living in the house, you could sometimes feel like it was a little bit of an ‘Animal House’ atmosphere, but, at the same time, we were a very close brotherhood and accomplished a lot while we were undergrads.”

Initiation into Alpha Chi Rho was a high point for Bryan when it came to his favorite memories of his time as an undergraduate member. “This is a tough one, since there were so many great memories during my time as an undergrad, but if I had to pick one it would be when my pledge class was initiated as brothers,” Bryan reminisced. “As a pledge class, we worked very hard to become brothers, and so the initiation was a huge sense of accomplishment.

“I feel that our Landmarks are unique to Alpha Chi Rho and set us apart from other fraternities at Penn State,” he said. “They not only guide us in how we conduct ourselves while in college, but for the rest of our lives.”

For Bryan, the Fraternity’s Landmarks provided professional direction. “Alpha Chi Rho taught me so much to help me in life after graduation” Bryan explained, “but building strong, binding relationships and personal responsibility are the two biggest ones. Since I work in the recruiting/staffing industry, forging strong relationships built on trust is a key to my success. Alpha Chi Rho really teaches you a lot about being a man and taking personal responsibility, which are essential to succeed for the rest of your life.

“Without Alpha Chi Rho, I wouldn’t be the man I am today.”