Ways to Give

Donating to the Alpha Chi Rho Graduate Chapter

Lifelong membership requires lifelong support.

Annual dues are only $100. Please consider adding a gift above the base amount. Thank you for support in our efforts to keep us moving forward.

Alumni dues and contributions are critical to the fiscal stability of Phi Lambda Graduate Chapter. These unrestricted funds are used for Phi Lambda Graduate Chapter expenses (e.g. website, communications, reunions). Funds from alumni dues are received directly by the Grad Chapter. Although not eligible for corporate matching or tax deductibility, dues and gifts made to the Phi Lambda Graduate Chapter give the alumni board flexibility in allocating resources.


Make your online payment using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover.

Give By Mail

Mail Donation Form & Check to:
Alpha Chi Rho
Phi Lambda Chapter
P.O. Box 876,
Ithaca, NY 14851-0876

Checks payable to:
Phi Lambda Graduate Chapter

Invest in our future - make your gift today!