Capital Campaign Update

It’s been a busy fall for our House Campaign.  And, not unlike James Franklin’s football team, we’ve done very well but aren’t quite where we’d like to be – yet!  But we will get there –much sooner than the Lions…

Through the generosity and commitment of 48 of you we currently have pledges of $287,100 as of 1/12/24. 

That is simply awesome.  The Property Association and Grad Chapter Boards and I cannot thank you enough.  Please See our Donor Recognition Roll below to see which of your brothers has participated. 

But we want to exceed our goal of $300,000.  We just need a bit more help. There are over 600 Phi Lambda alums out there. Please consider joining the other 45 alums who have made a pledge and help us secure a strong future for the chapter.  There is a donation card and envelop enclosed to make it easy.  Or, you can make a donation online at the new website ( 

The objectives of this Campaign are to raise funds to help bring the house up to a more competitive position with other housing options in town AND to reinvigorate and reconnect our alumni. 

It has been great catching up with many of you and hearing about how you remain connected with other guys from your time in the house.  Some of you have told me that you’ve recently reconnected with guys as a result of this campaign.  That is fantastic! While we may not ALL know each other, we really do share a common connection that is tied back to our time as an undergrad member of the Chapter and in the House.

We want that connectivity and reconnection activity to continue beyond the Campaign.

As you will see elsewhere in this edition of The Torch, we have our chapter website up and running.  And there is now a Member Portal where you can update your contact info.  Soon there will also be a “Lost Brother” capability where you can help us reconnect with guys whose contact info we no longer have. Please check out the site and log in to your record in the Member Portal

The Grad Chapter will be looking to work with volunteers in various regions to organize Phi Lambda meet-ups periodically.  Not everyone can get back to State College these days and, lord knows, it isn’t easy or cheap to do so on football weekends.  So, we need to bring “reconnection” to where you are.  Hopefully we can get guys who are willing to help organize periodic get togethers in some of the areas we have large numbers of alums – Philly, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, DC, etc.  If you are interested in helping with that, please let Grad Chapter President Bryan Gardiner know ([email protected]) and he’ll work with you to make it happen.

Thanks again to all of you have contributed so far. I hope the rest of you will consider getting involved.  We have donations from $200 – $50,000, so every little bit helps and is most appreciated.  Let’s get this over the goal line!

In the Bond,

John Rooney ‘86