Chris Newell: “This fraternity shaped me into the man I am today.”

Chris Newell had a unique reason for joining our fraternity:  “I chose to pledge Alpha Chi Rho because I wanted to change the stigmatism around fraternities.”

“Alpha Chi Rho impacted my life by cultivating my leadership skills and it prepared me for life by teaching me not to just look at the surface level for problems,” Chris said. “Complicated problems require complicated solutions.”

Chris said the people and the reputation contributed to his enjoyment of his time in the house. “I loved living in the house,” he said. “It was good to be around the energy and passion the guys brought to the table.”

It didn’t hurt that the chapter was full of neat freaks. “Crow is known on the Penn State campus for having the cleanest house,” Chris explained.

While some members may not enjoy the hustle and bustle of rush, Chris was not among them. “My favorite memory is interviewing PNMs during rush week because I got to have a big say in the fraternity’s future.”

His desire to impact the future of the chapter motivated his service to Alpha Chi Rho. “I volunteered because I like to give back to the fraternity,” he said, “which is important because this fraternity shaped me into the man I am today, and it would be selfish not to help cultivate men of word and deed. Without Alpha Chi Rho I wouldn’t be the man I am today.” Following that same train of thought, Chris encourages alumni to give to the upcoming capital campaign so they can show their support for the chapter. “The capital campaign will turn into a housing option that can compete with the new apartments downtown and show the students at Penn State how much alumni care about their fraternity.”