Richard Garber ‘59: Graduate Profile

As part of keeping up with our alumni over the years we will profile a graduate brother each Torch newsletter.  Today we visit with Brother Dick Garber from the Class of ’59.

Over 60 years after graduation, Dick still fondly remembers his three years in the AXP Phi Lamba Chapter House. “During September 1956, the brothers decided Hell Week for my pledge group (during the first week of classes!) would include the conversion of some side lawn into a gravel parking lot. They deemed it appropriate that we work to the raucous sounds of Presley’s “You Ain’t Nothing but a Hound Dog” and “Workin on the Chain Gang”. What fun?!  Also, there were the fantastic seats available for sophomores and juniors every football game courtesy of Brother Kapitanoff.  The themed weekends and the Carnation Ball (always on or near Valentine’s Day), were really special and fun.”

Having just lost his father to a heart attack early in his freshman year, Dick quickly formed lifelong friendships with his fraternity brothers who would become like an extended family to him.

Having just lost his father to a heart attack early in his freshman year, Dick quickly formed lifelong friendships with his fraternity brothers who would become like an extended family to him.

Dick also met the love of his life at a dance at the AXP house. He invited her to a wrestling meet and the rest is history.  “Early in 1958, I met Penn State student Judy Lang. She was my guest at many 1958-1959 house functions.  We married September 1960 and had two wonderful daughters and a happy 44-year marriage before she passed in 2005. I have four precious grandchildren, ages 13 to 27.”

Participating in fraternity life in the house, and the leadership and responsibility opportunities it involved, helped prepare him for his long and distinguished career in engineering and management at Air Products & Chemicals. 

Dick graduated in 1959 with a BS in Electrical Engineering and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Ordnance Branch of the U.S. Army Reserves.  Continuing his Penn State education, he graduated in 1961 with a M.S. in Business Administration. Upon completion of his Penn State graduate studies, he fulfilled his Army active-duty commitment at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD before embarking on his Air Products career.

As a huge PSU football fan and season ticket holder for decades, Dick returned to campus several times a year and kept friendships alive. “It was great to see old and new brothers, and homecomings and other gatherings at the house were especially fun.” Dick was very involved in Phi Lambda weekend reunions in 2014 and 2015. “I especially enjoyed Brother John Elnitski’s tailgates in later years.”

“I encourage all alumni to give back to the Chapter with their time and resources. Contributing to the Renovation Project, which will make the needed updates and improvements to the house, will help the Chapter with recruitment and keep the house going strong for generations to come.”