Undergraduate Chapter Update

Alumni Brothers,

I hope you all had a great holiday season. Things are gearing up here at the House as we kicked off Spring Semester this second week of January. I thought I would give you a quick update on some highlights from the Chapter.

The Phi Lambda chapter currently has 42 members including six postulants initiated in the fall semester with six seniors graduating this May. We are planning a Spring pledge class well into the double digits and are busy at Rush now.

The chapter had 16 brothers make the Dean’s List in the fall semester achieving a 3.5 or higher GPA. We are working hard on making good grades.

The chapter is participating in intramural sports each semester, most recently fielding three teams in the fall 2023 semester – soccer, volleyball, and flag football.  The football team fared best with a .500 season.  The team got off to a shaky start to the season due to a lack of experience for some; however, they learned quickly and were able to compete with the opposition as the season went on. Other brothers who were not a part of the team would come out to support the squad on the sidelines showcasing a real sense of brotherhood. Although the season didn’t end how they would’ve liked, they enjoyed going out and competing with one another against the other fraternities and are looking forward to the upcoming spring season.

Lastly, this year for THON the undergrads have been hard at work attempting to meet their goal of $5000. You can support the undergrads at this link.  


Thanks for your ongoing support of the Chapter and if you are in or passing through town please stop by the Chapter House, we’d love to meet you.

In the Bond,

Chris Newell, Chapter President